Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Strategic marketing Essays

Strategic marketing Essays Strategic marketing Essay Strategic marketing Essay In today’s economy, marketing is the second critical area in business because it’s the machine or the engine house in business driving it in the right direction. Why? Because when used correctly, its the biggest profit-making tools to find in business. It’s the skill that makes or breaks every business. In real terms, marketing is all about discovering (identifying), addressing and answering the customer’s needs. Because what’s   interesting to you is irrelevant to the customer. What the they want is something that answers their needs not your product or services. Every CEO in an organization need to understand everything about what is going on in business rather that delegating such responsibilities to someone lower in the organization irrespective of him participating in the marking process or not. Thus it is very important to look at your marketing strategy. Replace yourself with that of your customer and see if you will respond to your own advertisement or promotion. If your responds is negative, it’s a bad news! Neither will your customers respond to it. If you cannot see clearly how your strategy or campaign will sell, dump it. When your marketing efforts do not bring new customers to your business and generate sales, then it’s a waste  Ã‚   of money and resources. However to go about this you need to ask yourself one important question. Why should a customer buy from me?. This is the most important question you can ask yourself. Its called â€Å"Value Proposition(VP)†.it’s a special promise you make to your customers that only you can offer, which gives you an edge and compels your customer to want to buy from you instead of someone else. It makes you â€Å"Unique†Ã‚   .So what I’m saying is that-â€Å"make yourself unique† .If you do not have value proposition (vp), I suggest you stop everything and look for one now. Because, without it you have no positioning, no edge and no reason for customers to buy from you other than, perhaps price. It’s the cornerstone to marketing and without it you cannot compete. Your starting point however is always with your customer. Go out and sit face to face with them. Target those who have come in contact with your business yet did not buy from you. Try to discover why they did not buy and address them. Note that those who did not buy or those who refuse to buy will enjoy giving you some feedback, which will tell you how to overcome their resistance and objection in the future. Also they will see that the company cares. In a simple process ask them the following question with respect and politeness: -Why did you choose not to buy or purchase from us? -What could we do next time? -What did like or dislike about us, if anything? -What did you like about our competition that you feel we adopt? -Etc. Once you think you have found you Value Proposition, remember to test it first. Try it in a limited number of ads or brochures and compare the sales or query rate with your usual methods .Example 1:consider a client want a n advertisement written, planned and placed for $10,000.Usually he spends this same amount on   advertisement and it brought $20,000 worth of business and he has been happy. Suppose we write similar ad for him of   the same size   and cost to bring him $100,000 worth of business. imagine how impression will be like. With the same time and effort one can be as much as five times more successful than another. All   because of strategic marketing. Example 2:Creating a magic experience makes your organization becomes more memorable and more people will want to do business with you. Now consider a restaurant giving free snacks and juice to all patrons who are waiting for a table. Staffs usually bring out sample of its entrees and deserts, offering them to those who are waiting. Not only this keeps people happy when waiting, but it encourages the sale of items patrons rarely order. However remember if someone else in your market is offering the same thing, your VP is therefore not unique and its not a VP. And so to create magic, you must be different-think outside the square; whatever others are doing, do not do that. Start by saying thank you to your customers in a meaningful way. Send them a note, a card, some flowers, or a gift basket. Call them later and tell them how much you appreciate doing business with them. Give them the occasional freebies. Invite them back with gift certificate. Do small things that cost you very little but means a lot to your customers. Introduce fun into your business and have fun with your customers. Go one step further. If any one else is offering their customers a cup of tea or coffee, offer yours with cappuccino or fresh squeezed orange juice. if others starts into cappuccinos and orange juice, offer a cocktail! it doesn’t matter how; just be different. Value Proposition (VP) and Price When a good VP has been created that is compelling and that delivers, then you can almost raise your price. Because your VP is unique to you   and can not be found else where is also a reason for increasing the price signifying uniqueness and quality. Doing this some customers may leave you or choose not to. That’s fine! -Don’t panic. Some customers are just not profitable and it ok to let them go somewhere. You can’t afford to keep servicing them anyway without making profit on them But not that if your VP is on the mark, you will attract many new customers who are will and happy to pay your price. In most cases they will pay without hesitating. OTHER VARIABLES In strategic marketing, the key focus is on the customer because business today is no longer about market share but about the share of a single customer. It may sound absurd to you, but usually advertising is not the key way to increase revenue. It is high risk and generally does not work as well as it should. Before spending another cent and risk your business health on in effective advertisings, you first need to develop the cheap, low-risk alternatives for increasing your revenue. And this involves three-strategy implementation. Which are: -Strategy one: Constantly attract new customers. -Strategy two: Develop ways to generate more revenue on each sale. -Strategy three: Develop ways to ensure your customers purchase from you again and again. Working vigorously on these three will generate a thriving, profitable business. The problem with most business today is that they focus on strategy one and forget the rest. However, when a business starts, it has no option but to focus on getting new customers. But once this has been achieved, the other two methods must be used to make sure that the business is a real success. Moreover, allocating all your resources to getting new customers is the most expensive and least profitable strategy. Because it cost six times more to attract new customers than it does to do business with an existing customer. Thus when you begin to use the new strategy and maximize your existing customers, things rapidly change for better. Remember, a customer who has done business with you is likely to be happy with you and feels comfortable with you making them your best prospective buyers for an immediate new transaction, cross-sale. So do not waste the chance. Implementing the three strategy will depend if you are prepared to look there are effective, lower-risk and lower cost opportunity for improving sales than just advertising and they include: -Adding value or creating a new value proposition -Increasing your price -Increasing loyalty and repeat business -Cross selling or selling other product in your range. -Converting more prospect into paying customers It’s not that companies should never advertise but should do this only after maximizing all these opportunities. Once sales are maximize at low risk, then profit can be reinvested into advertising. Since VP and price has been looked upon, lets focus now on Loyalty, cross-selling and Up-selling. Loyalty To have a successful business, your marketing strategy should focus on attracting new customers and hold onto customers faster than you lose them. Although all business lose customers, a successful marketing needs to hold onto the existing one because the longer they remain, the more you can make them buy from you again and again. If you constantly attracts but not keeping, you are suffering from can be termed to as â€Å"leaking† syndrome. To hold on to your customer you need practices just as earlier discussed: Get to know your customer, provide a magic experience, test your VP, take   risk   from   your   customers (provide a Money- back guarantee policy) and build a staff culture and attitude that makes the difference. Cross-selling Customers usually buy in a sequence of product or service because satisfying one need brings about another. How many time have you gone to do shopping and return with what you intend to buy with lot more? when you get to know your customers very well, you will identify sequence in their buying behavior. It can be use to builds a range of secondary products and services that they will want to buy. At time questions like â€Å" would you like   a shoe with that? Asking question which are very simple but rich in common sense are very necessary because one in every three of these customers will always say yes. Thus it involve selling product that are closely related. Up-selling Always try to increase the value of what you sell. that is you do this when the opportunity arise of offering a customer a slightly different product from what the customer first thought the y would need. Whenever that difference meets their need more exactly, it will increase sales. the rule here is that: don’t try to push something that the customer does not want. EASY SELLING Many organization are still making it hard for customers to buy-whether it’s bad service or customer unfriendly practices and policies. its very bad for business that may ruin it.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cathodic Electro Deposition Essays

Cathodic Electro Deposition Essays Cathodic Electro Deposition Essay Cathodic Electro Deposition Essay Electrodeposition Coating Process for Automobile Bodies* By Yoshiaki 0YABU,** Nobuo FURUNO,*** Yoji HIRASAWA*** and Hiroshi OMORI **** Synopsis The earlier electrodeposition processwas mainlypursuitedfor the quality control in terms of mass production. However, the coating efficiency was picked up to be a serial problemfrom a standpoint of the harmony between natural circumstancesand humans living-life conditions and the recovery usage of the paint was earnestlysearched. This trend led to the development in various technicalfields. The second impetus on further improvementof electrodeposition paint was due to oil crisis in 1973. The new technology relating to save-energy was developed. In thepaint industries, the further improvedanti-corrosive performance was strongly demanded. This demand also involvedthe developmentof new materials for automobile bodies and even the design of bodiesstructure. In this report, the introduction of electrodeposition process into automobile industries in Japan is hystrically reviewedand the electrodeposition mechanismand the mechanism which deposited materials from the coating film are briefly explained. As the demandfor anti-corrosiveperformance is increased, the coating system in which the anodic oxidation and the dissolutionfrom the object metal can not occur, was aimed and recentlyit was rapidly accepted as the superior system. On the other hand, there is an oppositeopinionfor this trend on the basis of the metal analysis detectedin the deposited film. The characteristics of cationic electrodeposition,in particular, the superior corrosion resistance with regard to the metal dissolution in the wholeelectrodeposition processis explained. In Chapter III, throwingpower which is characteristic for electrodeposition processis described. It is referred that throwingpower is not necessarily determined by the paint performance. Even the electrodeposition coating system, the areas into which the paint liquid does not intrude can not be coated. And it is pointed out that the design of bodiesstructure is inevitablynecessaryas well as the improvement paint performances. of In Chapter IV, the role of the main component,vehicleresin, is introduced. The deviceswhich disperse resin into solvent` water, and factors which determine the polarity of electrodeposition explained. And the are typical resin structure is shown. The paint performanceis greatly effected by the vehicleresin, but it is also deeplyrelated how thepaint is produced and how it is coated. Therefore, it is inferred that thepaint performances are relativelyestimated. In Chapter V, the whole system of electrodepositioncoating process is given. The so-called ` closed-loopsystem which is remarkably characteristic in electrodeposition process, and which is suitably fitted for mass production of automobile bodies is explained. Besides, the pH control technologyof paint bath and the possibility on its future development are referred. Thefurther improvement the recycleusage technology f paint of o is pointed out and the possibility to replyfor the social needssuch as saveenergyand lesspolution is explained. In Chapter VI, thepresent status of electrodeposition processand various technicalproblemsare explained. The summary of this review and authors views for future development are given in thefinal chapter. I. Introduction The development of the electrodeposition coating echnology in automobile bodies industry commenced around 1964 in Japan. In those days, dip coating of water-borne paint was applied to automobile parts after metal pretreatment, and it was confirmed when voltage was applied, the vehicle was deposited at the electrode. This was the beginning of electrodeposition coating. However, the essential point of this technology was not properly comprehended, while the unpublished work was progressing. Before 1963, the small products to which latex emulsion was mainly applied had been produced industrially. In Great Britain, the first major industrial use of electrodeposition coating system was in 1963 when the Pressed Steel Company commenced priming petrol tanks at their Oxford Works. In U. S. A. , the patent on electrodeposition system for automobile bodies and parts such as wheels was published in 1963 from the Ford Motor Company. And when patents emerged, all the automobile industries aimed at them. As the research was going on, the coating technology was proved to attract us with peculiar interests . such as high corrosion resistance of coating and the superior adaptability to mass production. The paint industries in Japan made a great effort to develop this coating technology, while they introduced it from the developed countries which it was attained in a higher level. The Japanese industries, in particular, automobile industries were in rapid progress, and they invested in the installation for the new coating system. Owing to this days trend, the electrodeposition was satisfactorily accepted by most of automobile industries. And in a short period of time, Japan got ahead of Europe and then U. S. A. n its distribution. In the beginning of electrodeposition paint which was mainly composed of natural oils, the film performance as a primer itself was inferior to that of solvent-type polyester primer modified with epoxy resin by spray coating, but the electrodeposition coating system was not followed in terms of throwing power and the coating efficiency. Around 1971, natural circumstances grew worse in proportion to the rapid progress of industrial products and people became sensitive to the recovery of the nature in Japan. The electrodeposition coating system does not emit an organic solvent in the air and in this point of view it fitted the days demand. How- * ** *** **** Received April 11, 1983. Â © 1983 ISIJ Director of Research Department, Nippon Paint Co. , Ltd. , Minami-shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140. Technical Center, Nippon Paint Co. , Ltd. , Ikeda-nakamachi, Neyagawa 572. Industrial Marine Coatings Division, Nippon Paint Co. , Ltd. , Fukushima, Fukushima-ku, Osaka 553. (994) Review Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 23, 1983 (995) ver, the great mass of water was utilized for rinsing after electrodeposition and it caused the problem of waste treatment. In response to this problem, the treatment of rinsed water was studied, leading to the development of the closed system. In 1969, PPG (the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, U. S. A. ) published the patent on ultrafiltration closed-loop system for electrodeposition coating. The waste treatment of rinsed water after electrodeposition was remarkably impro ved and coating efficiency reached 100 %. This progressed the improvement of the quality and the preparation of large size of ultrafilter and facilitated the industrialization with use of it. Since the oil crisis in 1973, the textile industries were chased up closely by the developing countries which manufactured products cheaply and they were not allowed to keep the technology for mass production. They were demanded to develop the new technological product being provided specific properties by utilizing their fine chemical technology. It can be said that this trend in the textile industries accelerated the development of ultrafilter. In 1975, it happened that an automobile engine was dropped off from the body by severe corrosion of supporting panels which was caused by the salt dispersed on the road in Canada. This led to the big compensation and with a help of its impetus the corrosion protection of automobile bodies were taken as the serial problem which had been prone to be neglected and the design of automobile bodies were begun to study in terms of corrosion protection. Around that time, in order to decrease the weight of automobile bodies, inorganic and organic materials were started to be investigated in esponse to the days demand of saving labor and energy and cationic electrodeposition coating attracted remarkable attention. PPGs patented cathodic electrodeposition system was introduced in 1972. Its first commercial use was for applying the primer on household appliances to gain the advantages of increased detergent resistance and outstanding corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of cationic ele ctrodeposition coating was far superior to that of anionic one and the former was substituted for the latter in a few years in Japan. In those days, there had been reported only several papers on the steel surface. In the industrial metal pretreatment line which the phosphating bath was controlled in the proper treatment values, even if the satisfied phosphate coating was not obtained due to the variation of steel surface, the phosphating bath was changed to fit the varied steel surface. Around the time cationic electrodeposition coating was examined to apply to the industrial line, there had been technological competition to protect automobile bodies against corrosion either by the improvement of primer paint or by the development of precoated steel plated with Zn, Ni, or Al. However, the cationic electrodeposition paint of PPG was proved to be far ahead of others and most of the automobile industries in the world accepted it. Consequently, the anti-corrosive performance of the precoated steel for automobile bodies came to be evaluated by applying electrodeposition coating to it. Even the steel industries were involved in the world trend from mass production to the development of the functional materials. The steel industries commenced earnestly the development of precoated metal possessing the corrosion resistance, while producing steel by continuous annealing pickling line system. With the development of precoated metal, papers on the analysis and its interpretation on steel surface have begun to appear. (The development of the instrument of chemical analysis has given a big help to them. ) And the technology of the phosphate coating has progressed in combination with the technical reports on steel surface. At present, the electrodeposition system are mainly from PPGs patent. The distribution of primers for automobile bodies in each region is shown in Table 1. At present it is impossible to decide with technical investigations what sort of steels are suitable for automobile bodies. Though one side and both side galvanized steels have been utilized for automobile bodies, the development of corrosion protection would progress as a total technology while giving answers how to select the precoated steel and how to use it. The authors inferred that the essential technology for electrodeposition coating system could be throwing power and the control of deposition bath paint, and carried out the analysis of throwing power and the deposition mechanism in 1969. In the references published in the 1960s, electrodeposition coating is described as ` electrophoretic coating. The authors reported that the film forming reaction was due to water electrolysis, water removal by electroosmosis, aggregation of colloidal particles and their melting by Joules heat. In this review, the technology of the electrodeposition coating system is discussed on the basis of authors work and views referring to many papers and patents. II. Mechanism of Electrodeposition Coating 1. Signj/icance Electrodeposition of Coating Processof AutomobileBodies As structural materials for automobile bodies, steels have been widely utilized as they are supplied cheaply and in large quantities besides their strength. The main purposes of the coating are to protect the substrate from the corrosive attack and to provide it with a good appearance. Table 1. Distribution of primers in each region. (investigated in 1982, autumn) (%) (996) Transactions ISIT, Vol. 23, 1983 The method of applying primers using the electrodeposition coating process has become quite common in the automobile industry, since it was introduced during the 1960s because of its inherent processing advantages. The electrodeposition coating method fits well into the coating process in the automobile industry either as an in-line processing method or as an off-line system. The coating time is short, 2 to 3 min full immersion, for complete bodies or parts , and it coats the exterior, interior, and recessed areas in a single dip application. One technician normally operates the processing system. Bodies or parts to be coated are fully immersed in the electrodeposition bath. The electrodeposition paint formulated proper materials provides a uniform coating over all electrically conductive surfaces in the given coating time. The paint is water-borne. There are also small amounts of solvent present, approximately 5 % or less. This composition and the process efficiency are very compatible with goals to minimize air pollution. When the electrodeposition coating process is used with a ` closed-loop system, it results in high utilization of the paint. Properly designed systems have a paint utilization efficiency approaching 100 %. Most systems are designed to achieve this high efficiency. There are numerous other characteristics of the electrodeposition process, such as non-flammability. Various reactions relating to electrodeposition in connection with the object are reviewed in this chapter. Mechanismof Electrodeposition In anionic electrodeposition developed in the beginning, it was assumed that the deposition was due to the following reaction, where charged water-soluble or water-dispersible macroion R~ was changed to R at the anode. R;R+e Resin particles stabilized by macroion is called hydrophobic colloid. The deposition mechanism was assumed to be electrophoretic deposition of hydrophobic colloidal particles and its coating process was called ` electrophoretic coating process . But, it was failed to explain characteristics of electrodeposition such as superior throwing power and high productivity by the above electrode reaction with an electron transfer. Many reports including the authors research were published and it was clarified that the deposition mechanism was due to the coagulation of hydrophobic colloidal particles by H+ generated by water electrolysis. This result greatly contributed to the development of the cationic electrodeposition coating process. And by the industrial utilization of anionic and cationic electrodeposition, the above mechanism based on electrolysis was widely accepted. In electrodeposition, charged water-soluble or water-dispersible macroions are attracted by the electrode of the opposite polarity where they undergo electrochemical reactions and are deposited. If the 2. electrodepositing vehicle is represented by RX, where R~ is the macroaaion, then R+ will be deposited at the cathode (cathodic electrodeposition). Conversely, with macroanion R-, deposition will take place at the anode (anodic electrodeposition). The anodic electrodeposition relies on carboxyl groups and the cathodic on amine groups. Thus electrodeposition resins are designed and prepared like other coating polymers but are required to carry ion-forming groups, e. g. , -NH2 or -COOH . These resins are utilized in electrodeposition as indicated in Table 2. When the voltage is applied, the main reactions at the electrode are electrolysis of water and the deposition of macroion. 1) Electrolysis of water Anode 2H20 4H++02+4e 40H- p 02+2H20+4e Cathode 4H2O+4e ~ 4OW+2H2 4W+4e -p 2H2 2) Polymer deposition Anionic electrodeposition RCOO-+H+ ~ RCOOH Cationic electrodeposition R3NH++OH- f R3N+H2O As shown in Fig. , anionic electrodeposition and cationic electrodeposition are similarly symmetry. The mechanism of electrodeposition and others would be substantially considered to be the same phenomena. 3~ Table 2. Electrodepositable tion. 2 resins and mode of deposi- Fig. 1. Comparison tionic one. of anionic electrode position with ca- . Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 23, 1983 (997) 3. Mechanismof Film Formation When the constant p otential difference (100 V) was applied, the logarithm of the current was linear to time as shown in Fig. 2. This relationship is called the law of logarithm in the film formation, and indicates that the current decreases due to insulation of the electrode. When the electrodeposition period was longer than 6 sec, this relationship deviated from the linear shape and the square of the reciprocal of the current density became linear to time as shown in Fig. 3. This relationship is called the law of parabola in the film formation, and demonstrates that the mechanism of electroconduction of the electrodeposited film is ionic, controlling the rate of the film formation. From these results the mechanism of the electrodeposition film formation is discussed using the model shown in Fig. 4. When the applied potential difference is low, the melting process of the electrodeposited particles cannot occur. In this case, the particles rinsed off from the electrode by washing with tap water after electrodeposition. As the applied potential difference is increased, the melting process occurs faster. Materials formed by this melting process get increased the electric resistance. But it is not allowed to increase beyond a certain value. The film conduction depends on ionic species in the pin holes which are built up by releasing the bubbles. These bubbles and pin holes are visible although they are very small. The colloidal particles precipitate in the pin holes as shown in Fig. 4, the growing point of the film is no longer adjacent to the electrode but within a diffusion layer a finite distance away from the electrode. When the applied potential difference is too high, the random growing ruptures the uniformity of the film. The film rupture voltage is believed to depend on the rheological properties of the film and the rate of electrolysis. . E ffect of Metal Dissolution When the potential difference is applied in an electrolyte solution, the following metal dissolution may occur at the anode. MÂ ° Mn++ne The redox potential of the metal affects the possibility of the above reaction, and as the potential becomes higher, the reaction possibility becomes larger. But this does not imply the continuous reaction progr ess. When anionic species such as C1 are presented too much in the electrolyte, the dissolution reaction occurs easily and Cr04-, S04- and C03- disturb the above reaction. In anionic electrodeposition, the object is anodized and the following polymer deposition occurs; that is nRC00-+Mn+ p (RC00),z-M Fig. 2. The time relation during between the early the logarithm at of current a constant and period applied potential of 100 V. Fig . 3. The relation between the square that of reciprocal between the curpa- -),andand rent (time rameter p and time (- Fig . 4. A model of the electrodeposited film. In other words, at the anode the dissolution reaction is decreased by the polymer deposition. These reactions would not occur evenly over the automobile bodies, because of their complex-shaped structure. Since the potential difference is not the same in all the locations of automobile bodies, the electrodeposition coating process provides an uneven coating. This would deteriorate the performance of coating such as corrosion resistance and appearance. The dissolved amounts of the metal during reactions differ largely in electrodeposition bath compositions. And they are affected by the surface treatment of the steel. The adaptability of the newly developed metal materials should be strictly examined. In cationic electrodeposition the object is the cathode, and the above mentioned anodic dissolution reaction does not occur at the object. This point was aimed at and the cationic electrodeposition coating process has been developed which gives an excellent corrosion resistance. Anderson4; analyzed the metal in cationic electrodeposition films and characterized the peculiar relations of cationic electrodeposition against anionic one (Fig. 5). He presumed that the following reaction would occur at the cathode. Review (998) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 23, 1983 MÂ °+40H- [MO2]n-+2H2O+(4-n)e Since then, his data have been cited by many researchers with a little discussion. Being based on the results electrodeposition film weight increases with an increase of the deposition time. The authors can not agree with the following approach. The metal detected in electrodeposition film is assumed to be due to the electrode reaction by a flow of current. Metallic substrate dissolves chemically without current flow. For example, corrosion with hydrogen evolution is illustrated as follows. 2Fe+3H20 Zn+H2O p + Fe203+3H2 ZnO+H2 ~ T Fig. 5. Changes cold-rolled in iron steel content with of electrodeposited deposition time. films on 1 2A1+3H2O pA1203+3H2 These reactions do not participate in electron transfer and they are not related to current flow. These corrosion reactions differ in electrodeposition bath compositions, electrodeposition process conditions, metal materials and their surface conditions. Therefore, the analysis of corrosion reactions are quite difficult. However, the practical difficulties arising from the above mentioned factors have been clarified. In cationic electrodeposition, the working electrode is the anode and anodic dissolution causes a contamination of electrodeposition bath paint. Care must be taken in cationic electrodeposition being different from anionic electrodeposition. In order to prevent the contamination by dissolved ion, the working electrode is settled inside diaphragm which ion-exchange membrane is preferably used. III. Throwing Power _l. Signficanceof Throwing Power in ProtectiveCoating In coating applications or complex-shaped automobile bodies, throwing power, the ability to extend paint films into highly recessed areas, as well as the corrosion resistance of coating are greatly demanded. These two specifications have been parallely taken as the index for the improvement and development of the electrodeposition coating process. Recently, the materials such as the cold-rolled steel, galvanized steel and othe r steels have been widely utilized for automobile bodies, and the estimation for two specifications (corrosion resistance of coating and throwing power) become complexed and varied. In order to improve the protective performance of automobile bodies, they should be examined particularly in the throwing power. In this chapter, we review in throwing power. 2. Throwing Power Test In case of the design for corrosion protection of automobile bodies, there are two following purposes to estimate throwing power. 1) To design the structure of automobile bodies and materials adaptability 2) To design electrodeposition paint and deposition coating process Review Fig. 6. Types of throwing cells (dia grammatic). For the first purpose it is recommended to make a model on the characteristics of the bodies structure. The modeling of the bodies structure generally arises from the know-how on the design for corrosion protection of the automobile industry. There have been proposed the following devices for measuring throwing power of the electrodeposition paint since it was developed. The most simple device is a comparative test. Many possible methods were described briefly by Tawn and Berry,5) and are illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 6. This diagram enables one to appreciate the meaning of throwing power. 1) Bar test (Fig. 6(a)) In this type of test, either or both of two functions can be measured : the length of the anode coated under given conditions, and the gradient of film thickness down the anode. (2) Multiple plate test (Fig. 6(b)) In this form of test, the efficiency, that is the weight or film thickness of coating on the inside plates, can be compared with that of coating on the outs ide plates. (3) Wedge test (Fig. 6(c)) In this test, it is only possible to estimate the percentage of the total area not coated with the paint. Mathematical expression of the result is difficult, due to difficulties of measuring areas accurately and defining the boundary between coated and uncoated areas. (4) Tube test (Fig. 6(d)) Several methods of this type exist, one of which is illustrated in Fig. 6(d), but in essence this is similar to the bar test, except for the restriction applied to the electrical bath by the non-conductive tube itself. (5) Cell test (Fig. 6(e)) Particular conditions may be applied to the anode in the cathode compartment, and the deposition on the anode in the separate compartment may be determined separately. Another purpose to estimate throwing power is to detect quantitatively the inherent ability of the used paint. In these several measuring methods, the tube test (Fig. 6) has been recognized to be mostly accepted method. The size of this test tube is defined fully by automobile industries. For examples, Ford Cell and GM Cell are popularly accepted in U. S. A. 3. Analysis of Throwing Power The electrodeposition paint industries have analyzed the mechanism of throwing power as corresponding to the different size of each automobile industry. Oyabu and Furuno6-8~ showed that throwing power could be related to the geometry of the test cell and coating properties by the following equation: Th2 = -. E . ,c (1) a LJ the cross-sectional area of the cell the perimeter of the cell the bath conductivity the applied voltage the current density at the coated surface of the tube at the end of the deposition experiment The equipotential surfaces at the start of the electrodeposition process are shown at the left, and those in progress at the right of Fig. . The dense distribution of equipotential surfaces along to the anode corresponds to the electrodeposited film. In this area the current density is approximately uniform. To verify the relationships between a and Th, and between L and Th in the above equations, three kinds of experiments were carried out. A steel panel was inserted into a glass tube. If the thickness of the panel is expressed by d and the width by l(d

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Emotional health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Emotional health - Essay Example Erickson’s Eight Stages of Psycho-Social Development: States that the individual has to undergo eight stages of development, in order for them to become integrated into society (Erikson 359-396). Erickson focuses on eight stages in total; however the first five are aimed at childhood, whereas the last three are classifications of changes which take place throughout the rest of the individual’s lifetime. In summary, Erickson was concerned with the individual’s adaptation to society. Let’s now compare this to Sigmund Freud, and his approach, which is centered towards the individual’s adaptation to their own psychic sphere. According to Freud, the young child first develops an oral fixation, whereby as a baby and then toddler, everything goes into the mouth. They then move onto the anal stage, during toilet training, and finally at around five to seven years of age they undergo what is known as the Oedipus complex, whereby the boy fears castration, at the hands of their father, for lusting after the mother; and whereby the young girl accepts the reality that she has already been castrated. Either way, the phallic stage represents an acceptance of external authority, and a reordering of the individual’s psychic World, so that they become emotionally well regulated. Erickson versus Freud: Interestingly, when we compare, Freud to Erickson, we can clearly see that both theorists are attempting to explain the emotional developmental stages of the individual, and that for Erickson the focus is on adaptation to external challenges; whereas with Freud the focus is upon internal adaptation within the psychic reality of the individual, to the external reality which faces them. While the focus might be slightly different, the inference is the same, that a healthy individual has to come to terms with the society, in which